An open letter from Mr. Right



Dear daughters of God,

Contrary to what you have heard, I do exist. I’m no fairytale hunk with big muscles and thing for chick flicks (although, I may or may not have a man bun). So, put your daydreams of love off to the side for a minute and let me tell you what makes me, “Mr. Right” and why people keep telling you to wait for me.

The first thing I really want for you to understand is that I was not born your Mr. Right. I promise we weren’t destined to cross paths and lock eyes from across a crowded room and fall hopelessly in love. God has been working in my heart for YEARS! Do you realize what was in my heart before Christ saved me?! Of course you don’t because we haven’t met yet, but I can promise you it is equally as crazy and sinful as…

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Just Friends: Are You Sure?

“What’s wrong with two people spending time together?”


“We’re just friends.”

“Are you sure?”


Let’s clarify this: I am not against guy-girl friendship. I’m all up to it. Thinking of it now, I even have more guy friends than those from my gender.

By this means, my heart has fallen to plentiful of mistakes. Not all of my guy friendships started pure. Because oh dear, there are just guys who seems to be “The one.”

I recall the time when a guy friend walked me from church going to the place where I’m having my ladies small group. Mind you, I have already planned our wedding, naming our kids, and designing our beautiful home during that 15 minute walk. I am not joking. I have been guilty of this while my poor guy friend had no idea how adorable our kids are.

Although when asked by one of my…

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Let Him Love You First

I plead to you, young lady. Let Him.

FullSizeRender (2)Let Him love you first.

Before you start waiting for the right guy, grant the access to your heart first to its Maker, Jesus.

And when you give that heart to Him, I won’t promise that it will not be broken. Because it will be. Yet it will be broken for all the right reasons. You’ll be amazed how your heart will cry out the truest and purest prayer, “God, break my heart for what break Yours.”

You’ll see a clear picture of how your heart’s brokenness can save those who are crushed in spirit. Your willingness to share your brokenness can bring comfort to those who are weary and wounded.

Brokenness will turn as your testimony.

Brokenness will make shame into praise.

Brokenness will qualify you to His kingdom.

Brokenness will be made whole.

Let Him love you first.

Before you chase your dreams, commission yourself in…

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I love you, but I’m not waiting for you.

charlene manalang


Dear Friend,

From telling you simple greetings like “Good morning” and “Good night” to random things like what I’m doing, where I’m going and who I’m with, all the way down to my deepest emotions, fears and desires, I have devolved into just saying “Hello” and mostly “Good bye.”

I used to tell you everything.

There are so many things I want to tell you. From the most random things like I cried while watching ‘Finding Dory’ and I cried more while watching ‘Me Before You’ down to the most blissful things like I’m becoming a better writer, singer, daughter, sister, discipler, disciple, servant and friend, I want to tell you everything.

There are so many questions I want to ask you. From the most generic questions like “Have you eaten?” “What are you doing?” and “How was your day?” down to the most difficult questions like “Are you okay?”…

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